Discover Maremma

Horse Riding


Horse Riding

Land of Knights and Amazons

With its natural parks, numerous hills, with its pristine beaches and endless campaigns, the Maremma is a paradise to discover on horseback. There are many riding schools which offer unique opportunities for exploring the most beautiful beaches of its territory.


Opportunities for beginners and experienced riders. Excursion from 1-hour to overnight.
For more details about the closest equestrian center we recommend to contact the tourist offices and the accommodation facilities. In the area of Castiglione della Pescaia and Le Rocchette there are two main equestrian centers.



Centro Ippico La Bandita

Strada Prov.le del Padule
58043 Castiglione della Pescaia (Gr)

Cavallo Natura

Strada vicinale del Pingrossino s.n.c.
58100 Marina di Grosseto

Map of the recommended riding centers

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