Discover Maremma

Explore Maremma Walking Festival

Explore Maremma Walking Festival

Explore Maremma Walking Festival

Explore Maremma Walking Festival is an initiative designed to maximize the potential of this area, in which the unspoiled and almost wild countryside often hides magical and hidden places such as ruins, ancient places of worship, and fortresses. Nature, history and archeology are the main themes of the Explore Maremma Walking Festival, typically celebrated during one week in June and another in September. Every day a hiking guide in the area leads a free trail excursion and introduces visitors to all of its secrets and its peculiarities. The excursions are offered by passionate guides who have spent years working in the area, and are experts on the paths and sights of the region. This year’s summer edition will run from Wednesday 1 to Sunday, 5 June. In the fall, excursions will be available from Friday 16 to Sunday 18 and Friday 23 to Sunday 25 September.

For reservation and further information:

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