Discover Maremma

Active holiday with soft rafting

Active holiday with soft rafting

For sports lovers even on holiday, to experience intense emotions, full of adrenaline, try the descent of the Ombrone river aboard a rubber dinghy, the raft, together with your friends or family.

Soft rafting in Maremma
Soft rafting in Maremma

Soft rafting in Maremma

For those who love nature and adventure, a river descent on a rubber dinghy on the Ombrone river, inside the Maremma Regional Park, a watercourse that alternates between quiet stretches and small rapids and descents, immersed in the most uncontaminated nature you can spend pleasant days with your friends or family and have fun together.

The crew of each dinghy is made up of six people who actively participate in the descent, and are coordinated by the conductor, seated on the back, who maneuvers it and ensures the descent in complete safety. It is a sport suitable for everyone, even for the little ones, no particular physical preparation or previous experience is required. Even if you have never tried it, it will be very simple, rely on expert guides and the rest is pure fun.

Fun in total safety

The Ombrone river is the second longest river in Tuscany, it crosses its last stretch for 12 kilometers, the Maremma Regional Park, flowing between Principina a Mare and Marina di Alberese. It is a river that lends itself well to being crossed, it does not present particular technical difficulties, which makes it easily passable without major difficulties.

Many companies and sports associations offer the possibility of booking guided excursions, accompanied by expert guides you can immerse yourself in unspoiled nature, observe the landscape from an unusual perspective in total safety, without taking risks, thinking only of having fun and spending pleasant moments together with your family or friends.

Different tracks available

A river that flows quite placidly interspersed with small rapids, to be traveled in complete safety, you can choose between different itineraries, which cover different stretches in terms of intensity and difficulty. Suitable for anyone who wants to spend a few hours discovering the Ombrone river immersed in the wildest nature within the Maremma Regional Park.

It is an activity that combines sporting activity with the protection and conservation of the natural environment, being a zero-impact sporting activity which in no way affects the natural balance of the existing ecosystem. An adventure for those who love nature, want to get to know it, thanks to the guides who will not only allow you to navigate in complete safety, but will tell you the history of these places and will describe the rich flora and fauna found in this spectacular corner of Maremma.

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