Discover Maremma

Several vacation days in borgo di Sorano

Several vacation days in borgo di Sorano

In the heart of Maremma, Sorano awaits to give you a vacation of art, history and unique landscapes.


The town carved from tuff stone

Supported by an impressive outcropping in the tuff stone rockface Sorano faces the underlying Lente river valley. It’s the oldest of the tuff stone villages, in the archeological park of the Tuff Stone Town you can admire historical, archeological and cultural treasures, from this region unique to the world.
You can admire the Etruscan necropoli and the well-known Quarry Roads, paths under the open sky, dug entirely out of the tuff stone rock by the Etruscans, hypothesized to be for various purposes such as communication, commerce and sacred rituals.

The castles and the surrounding region

A region rich in castles testifies of the glorious medieval past, well-preserved structures like the castle of Montorio, medieval complex of the noble Aldobrandeschi family, then passed on to the Ottieri family, until it was passed down to the Grand Duchy of Tuscany.
Walking through the rich vegetation outside the inhabited area you can visit the rocky tombs, in the rocky seat of Vitozza, inhabited since prehistory. Here you can still see and visit the two hundred or so caves present. Over time they’ve been used for various motives and inhabited since last century.

A vacation in the wonderful village overlooked by the imposing Orsini Fortress

An imposing fortified residential complex built by the Aldobrandeschi family, during the 12th century, then passed on to the Orsini family, who made it into one of their residences. Expanded over the course of the centuries, and transformed into a military outpost in the 16th century by the Medici, and used as such until the end of the next century.
Presently it houses the Medieval and Renaissance Museum, where materials and finds from the surrounding region are exhibited, among which numerous ceramics from Butti, and medieval wells. It’s possible to book a guided tour, that will have you discover paths inside and outside the fortress.

A weekend of wellness at the Sorano spa

In this part of Maremma it has been possible since medieval times to relax and permit yourself enjoyable spa treatments in these natural springs with a temperature of around 37/38 degrees C, composed mainly of magnesium, calcium and bicarbonate. Witness to its thousand-year use is the Pieve di Santa Maria dell’Aquila, a roman building, constructed on one of the thermal springs.
Available to visitors are two thermal pools, the most characteristic of which has been named the Bagno dei Frati, immersed in the woods, fed by two thermal springs that spring directly from the rock, take advantage of this paradise.

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