12 Jan Baratti beach
Posted at 15:04h
Beaches and Sea
by Staff
Rimignano Park
We are in the heart of the Etruscan coast, in the territory of Piombino. The natural park of Rimigliano, with its pine forests provides a shelter to the sandy beaches. The sea bottom is sandy with cliffs composed of a flourishing flora and fauna ideal for snorkeling lovers.
Baratti Colors
This circular gulf which marks the border with the Baratti – Populonia Archeological Park is unique for its iridescent sands shading from black to blue and from brown to red.
History of Baratti
Before the erosion of the gulf coast the modern Gulf of Baratti was originally one of the most important Etruscan ports on the Tuscan coastline, an active and bright trading place whose main activity was iron processing and which even today can be considered its distinctive and rich feature. You may admire the particular black-and-silver color of the sand shining under the sun: they’re the remains of the ancient iron processing and you may also find bigger pieces scattered all over.
How to get to Baratti
From the highway that connects Grosseto to Livorno (SS1), exit at San Vincenzo or Venturina and go on Piombino, from there follow the signs to Baratti.
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