Discover Maremma

Capalbio beaches

Capalbio beaches

Capalbio beaches

The coast of Capalbio stretches over 12 kilometers and is characterized by long sandy beaches fading from black to white situated in the south of the promontory of Ansedonia on the border between Lazio and Tuscany. In this part of the coast are situated the beaches of Capalbio, the southernmost municipality of Tuscany.

Capalbio and its beaches as far as the eye can see

An endless stretch of beaches and a blue sea, with its coves situated in the most primitive and rugged part of free beaches, protected by small dunes where sea lilies sprout between bushes and mastic.

Capalbio a paradise for watersport lovers

In Capalbio you will find long stretches of free public beaches alternate to private beaches and areas dedicated to water sports like kite surfing and windsurfing. The coast around Capalbio is a paradise for lovers of long walks on the shore. A sea one of the most popular dive destinations.

Playa la Torba

Playa la Torba is the westernmost stretch of beach with its anthracite-black sand, which gradually fades flowing towards the East Coast.

Chiarone and the Last Beach

The Chiarone is a beautiful uncontaminated beach that can be reached easily leaving the Aurelia road towards the station of Chiarone and following the signs. Nearby, between the mouth of Chiarone and the wildlife reserve of the WWF Burano Lake, the Last Beach offers a super-blue water typical of the rocky sea bottoms.
The Last Beach of Tuscany has become famous with the name of the homonymous elegant resort which offers umbrella and chair rentals, bars and restaurants.

How to get to Capalbio beaches

From SS1 Aurelia take exit at Capalbio Scalo and follow the signs to the locations.

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