Discover Maremma

Cala Martina

Cala Martina

On the trails of Garibaldi

A stone coming from the sea and a monument along the path remember in Cala Martina the famous Italian revolutionary leader Garibaldi, who departed from this small and precious beach in 1849 to escape from the Papal Guards.

Cala Martina Sea

Close to Cala Violina is located Cala Martina, a little bit overshadowed by its popular neighbor, but as much as fascinating cove. Surrounded by the typical Mediterranean forest, Cala Martina is famous for being the wildest beach of the Maremma Tuscany with its green water. To preserve its wild nature you will not find bars or colored parasols.

Where is Cala Martina

Situated between Follonica and Punta Ala, within the heart of the Nature Reserve of the Bandite di Scarlino, about 2 km from Cala Violina. The path itself is ideally suited to cycling or on foot, the best choice to enjoy this scenic path of the Mediterranean vegetation.

How to get to Cala Martina

From the SP 158 delle Collacchie which connects Castiglione della Pescaia and Follonica, continue to the Tourist Dock (on the right) by Puntone. Close to the “Cantuccio” Restaurant, you have to park the car and follow the path accessible only on foot or by bike and continue to Cala Francese and Cala Martina.

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