Discover Maremma

Teatro delle Rocce

Teatro delle Rocce

Teatro delle Rocce

Teatro delle Rocce (Stones Theatre), inaugurated in 2003, is now one of the symbol of National Park of Colline Metallifere, part of the European grid of geo parks recognised by Unesco. It is situated in Gavorrano Municipality, province of Grosseto, in Maremma Tuscany. Teatro delle Rocce and Parco delle Rocce are part of the Parco Minerario e Naturalistico of Gavorrano, one of the seven doors of the National Park.

The theatre is the result of the interior of an ancient mine near Gavorrano: this is considered as a cultural place characterised by fascination and magic. From 2003, every summer, it houses theatrical representations, concerts, dance performance, conventions, art exhibition and great events. Teatro delle Rocce is the result of a process of transformation from a downtrodden to a meeting and cultural place.


La Cava di San Rocco (San Rocco Mine)It is the space at the foot of which there is the little cavity where the theatre was built. It was an opencast cultivation intended to the quarrying of limestone for sterile material production used for covering tunnels and construction sites’ walls.


The theatre was built as a part of the ancient mine and it recalls Greek amphitheatre form. The steps are the seats for spectators and they are disposed in order to follow the natural conformation of the place.

The position of the steps let the spectators to see the suggestive view of the village of Gavorrano and of the green valley below.

The base of the project has been the protection of each landscape elements of the area, for this reason the planner have decided to not to develop the height of the building in order to obtain a harmonic visive effect.

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